Message from Bridgette McElwee Waldau. I just got back from Orlando, dropping off Mike Wilson, the artist of the Cattle Drive Sculpture project and I must admit, it was an emotional, tear shedding drive. I want to sincerely thank Okeechobee for the warm welcome and kindness that you extended to him. I was worried about how to entertain him this past week but Okeechobee basically did this for me.
This community really touched him and he truly did not expect it. I can honestly say he will remember his experience here for the rest of his life. This is one of the most important and biggest art project I have ever been a part of, and because of this project, Jim and I have a great new friend which is the icing on the cake for me. It has been a great week and I thank you all again!
This video sums it up. Photos from OKMS will be posted soon.
Original source can be found here.